How can I help you?

My skillset

If you want to know exactly which tasks I can support you with, you will find answers to your questions here.

My skillset in detail

Let's get down to the nitty gritty

Here you can see in which areas I can support you. I have many interests and a good grasp of things. In addition, I love learning new things, which allows me to quickly get to grips with a wide variety of tasks and challenges.

Web Development

My range of development tasks mainly covers the frontend area ( the visible part of an application for users). Nevertheless, I do not stop at some backend tasks.

  • Implementation of responsive designs in code

  • Accessible markup

  • Modern JavaScript frameworks

  • Web components

  • Templates and components for content management systems (e.g. JSX, PHP or Twig)

  • Custom CMS plugins (for Kirby CMS)

Web Design & UX Design

I have a solid knowledge of user guidance and user experience design. Plus, having a good eye for balanced design and typography.

  • Responsive web design in Sketch, Figma or directly in the browser

  • CSS frameworks and libraries (such as TailwindCSS or Bootstrap)

  • Web animations and page transitions

  • Experience with design systems and component libraries

  • Click dummies and prototypes

Website Concept

I help you to structure your content properly and set up your content management system accordingly. Not only will your users find what they are looking for, but so will your editors who work with the CMS on a daily basis.

  • Content architectures

  • Page structures and navigation concepts

  • Sitemaps

  • Wireframing and prototyping

  • Conception and brainstorming for potential content


A fast website pays off in many ways. Your users are happy, search engines rank you higher and you're contributing to a greener web. But speed is not the only area where optimization pays off.

  • Performance audits

  • Image optimization, displaying appropriately sized images and loading strategies

  • Efficient frontend bundles

  • Caching strategies

  • Technical search engine optimization

  • User experience optimization

  • Accessibility optimization

  • Responsive optimization

Advice & Support

It is very important to me that you feel well advised throughout the entire project. I put a lot of emphasis on transparency and communication and try to make technical details accessible to you.

  • Collaborative development of solutions (e.g. in small workshops)

  • Advice on suitable technologies

  • Hosting advice

  • Detailed estimates

  • Regular follow-ups

  • Transparent time planning

  • Code versioning and collaboration with Git or GitHub

  • Guidance and documentation for your editors

  • Further technical support (e.g. updates)

Haven't found what you were looking for?

Developing websites involves many areas and a vast and ever-changing landscape of technologies. If you have a specific requirement, feel free to contact me anyway. Maybe I've just forgotten something in my list or perhaps I can learn something new.

Way of working & values

What's really important to me

Of course, in the end everything should always look good and function smoothly. And it will! But there are a few things that are particularly important to me in my everyday work.


I value honest and good communication when working together. My estimates are detailed and understandable. I will inform you of any concerns or delays ahead of time.


Did you know that the World Wide Web produces incredible amounts of CO2? Protecting the climate doesn't stop on the web. If we work together, I will make you aware of the factors that influence the carbon footprint of your project.


Accessibility means ensuring barrier-free access to digital content. I help you to ensure that your project is also a fun experience for people with disabilities.


If your project supports misinformation, hate, violence, exploitation, animal harm or right-wing ideas, feel free to close this tab.

Technologies & tools

My little toolbox

For my website projects, I prefer the Kirby content management system. I have never been able to work as efficiently with any other system. But Kirby's flexibility is not just for me - editors also like its streamlined and customizable interface.

However, feel free to contact me if you have any other special requirements.

Frequently asked questions

Anything else you want to know?

I get asked a few questions from time to time. Maybe you've already asked yourself one or two of them. Should you have any other questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

How do we get started?

If you are interested in working with me, I look forward to an email with a rough description of your project. Please let me know about any important requirements, such as a specific technology, must-have features or other requirements.

We can then talk in depth about all the wishes and challenges, as well as the way we work and the timeline. In the Hamburg area, I am also happy to come by.

If there are no more questions, you will receive a quotation with no obligation from me. When everything is fine, you'll approve the quote and then we'll get started!

How much does a website cost?

Oh, that's a spicy question! Unfortunately, I may not have a satisfying answer. Because what a website will eventually cost depends on a number of factors:

  • What is the scope of the website?

  • What are the core functions?

  • Which special elements are desired?

  • Is there already a structure? A design? HTML layouts?

  • What other requirements are there?

Basically, I can tell you that an hour of development costs €80 net. All other tasks, such as concepts, design, content management, are 60€ net per hour. If all goals and requirements are defined and there is already a design draft and content, projects are possible from 1500€. For more extensive projects or if you want me to take over the entire website process, you can expect €3000 plus. If you need a ( non-binding) offer, get in touch with me!

What is possible on a low budget?

As a musician playing in bands, I know that there are situations where you need a proper website but don't really have the budget for it. Music, art and culture professionals or non-profit organizations and organizations in particular sometimes have a hard time and have to scramble from job to job or rely on funding.

That's why I'm willing to compromise on my hourly rate in such cases or find a solution that might be feasible with a smaller budget. Usually, for example, you can start any project in a streamlined version and expand it later.

Let's talk about how your project can be realized with your budget and we will find a way!

Why Kirby CMS?

If I have the choice, I'd start every website project with Kirby CMS. I have spent a lot of time looking for the perfect CMS. Disclaimer: there is no such thing as a "perfect" CMS. But I'm really satisfied with Kirby, at least for the projects I work on every day.

To convince you or your supervisors, here are my top 10 reasons for Kirby CMS:

  1. Happy editors:
    Kirby has a modern and clear admin interface that can be mastered in no time. You and your editors can maintain all content with confidence.

  2. Fully flexible content structures:
    I can tailor the CMS to your content and develop new features at lightning speed.

  3. A customized admin panel:
    We can adapt the admin interface to your needs. There are no unnecessary fields and distractions so you and your editors always have a clear overview.

  4. Kirby is slim and fast:
    Kirby has a small footprint and is not cluttered. And when caching comes into play, a good performance is almost guaranteed.

  5. Kirby is based on PHP:
    Perhaps PHP is not the coolest technology, but it is tried and proven and, most importantly, widely adopted. Your website will therefore run like a trusty old Diesel on any server or hosting package.

  6. There is no database:
    Kirby uses plain text files instead of a database. This simplifies backups and enables version control of content. Plus I sleep better at night.

  7. Kirby helps me to be productive:
    Of course, this is subjective, but many other developers share this experience with me. In the end, you benefit from my productivity too.

  8. Kirby is sustainable:
    The people behind Kirby CMS care about climate protection and social responsibility. That's why I can recommend Kirby with confidence. Kirby helps me to develop websites in a more sustainable and resource-friendly way.

  9. Kirby is a German company:
    The company behind Kirby is located in Germany. Therefore, Kirby is designed with data protection in mind. For example, Kirby does not use cookies or receive any user data.

  10. Kirby is backed by a large and friendly community:
    Whenever I get stuck in development, there's always somebody here who can help me.

If you have more questions about Kirby CMS or would like to share your thoughts, here's where you can find me. I'm always available for Kirby projects!

But why not Wordpress?

I do not have anything against Wordpress per se. In fact, quite the opposite. I have great respect for Wordpress because, in my opinion, it has democratized website design and development and allows you to create an appealing website even if you don't have the budget.

My personal problem with Wordpress is that it started out as a blog and still carries that in its DNA. However, most of the projects I have worked on so far have not been blogs, and instead required completely different content structures. And managing these is not easy with Wordpress. For every little requirement, another plugin is installed, ideally with a paid subscription for which an individual account has to be created. In this way, you are attaching more and more arms to your monster in Frankenstein style. But with every update of one of these plugins, the whole thing can collapse. And for me as a developer, that means unnecessary effort and stress.

Instead, I prefer to use content management systems that allow me to completely define the content structure myself, such as Kirby CMS or Craft. At first you might think that this takes much longer. However, in my personal experience, I have found that it is more complicated and time-consuming to bend Wordpress than to start with a blank canvas.

There are still a few more points to be considered. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss this in more detail!